Get Assistance

Application for Parker’s Purpose Foundation Assistance

Applications can only be considered from the State of Ohio

Who can receive assistance? Any family, who has a minor child (18 and under) with a life altering illness or disability that is having financial crisis due to unforeseen medical expenses
What type of Assistance Do We Provide? Financial assistance can be given for specific bills, equipment, needs stated within the application as the recipient deems necessary to their situation.
How Much Assistance Do We Provide? Our maximum grant can not exceed $1000 per family.
How Often Can Assistance be received? A family can only receive assistance from Parker’s Purpose Foundation 1 time every 2 years. The two-year time frame would be from the time the grant was awarded and not the date of the application.
How Are Applications reviewed: The Parker’s Purpose executive committee makes decisions based on the financial and emotional needs of the applications; along with verification of referrals.
The Foundation awards grants contingent on the availability of funds

Please complete the application below with all fields required and a minimum of 250 words needed to explain your situation and need. No mailed in applications will be considered; all must be completed online and submitted.